
Summary of how we use your data

We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting it as described in this notice.

a) Bitfada (also referred to as "", "us", "we" or "our") is always concerned about protecting our users' privacy. In this part, we explain to you the kind of information we collect from our users on, but not limited to, the Bitfada Wallet, social media pages and other online properties (collectively "the Website"). 

b) We do not, in any way, collect any personal identification information from people below the age of 18 years.

c) This privacy policy may be available in different languages but the English language version of this privacy policy shall be deemed as the original piece and the governing instrument. 

d) Whenever we make a change or an update to this Privacy Policy, we will send you an email and/or a notification on website.

Type of information we collect

We may collect personal information from you, in connection with the use of our website and services. The information we may collect from you include:

a) Biographical information (your name, email address, country of residence, date of birth, address, and phone number).

b) account details (your username, join date, default currency, time zone, and default currency).

c) activity (your trade activity, trade chat messages and attachments, transaction history, trade instructions, offers or advertisements created, offer's terms and account status).

d) Bitcoin Wallet information (your Wallet balance, bitcoins received, bitcoins sent, and bitcoin private keys).

e) KYC information (Proof of address, Government-issued ID, and any kind of picture to prove your identity).

f) Website usage information (your IP address, cookie ID, language preference, and actions taken while using the website).

How we use data collected from you

a) To provide services on our website which include the following:-

- Registering, creating and maintaining your account.

- Authenticating your identity, and helping sellers to verify your identity if need be.

- Initiating and processing transactions.

- Performing an assessment of your creditworthiness.

- Evaluating applications and comparing information for accuracy and other verification purposes.

b) Managing risks and protecting you and the services we offer to you.

c) Providing a personal experience while implementing your preferences.

d) To understand you, our customers, and how you interact with the website.

e) Providing you with location-specific offers and other website location-specific functionalities, like language.

f) Resolving disputes and troubleshooting any other problems.

g) Upon your consent when required by law, we may also process personal information for other purposes.

Personal data sources

We collect personal data

a) directly from you.

b) from other users. Other users may provide data in connection with transactions and chats.

c) from affiliates integrated with the website and its services.

d) from social media, if you interact with us on our social media accounts.

e) from third-parties who may help us to

- prevent fraud.

-verify your identity.

-evaluate your financial standing and/or creditworthiness.

-analyze data and offer promotions to you.

Data sharing

The parties with whom we may share personal data include:-

a) Affiliates that receive referrals from the website.

b) Financial companies that help you make transactions related to a transaction on the website.

c) Other parties to trade - buyer or seller.

d) Data processors who, for example, assist us to verify your identity, process transactions, provide support and send promotional offers for our service.

e) Third parties as may be required by the law. 

f) Third parties to exercise and defend legal claims.

g) We may share and transfer your data internationally (to other countries other than the country from which you submitted your data). In this case, we follow steps according to any applicable law.

Data retention and deletion

a) Any personal data we collect for any purpose shall not be kept for a period longer than is necessary for that specific purpose. You may request the deletion of your account and any of your personal data through our site.

Your Rights

You have:-

(a) the right to confirm whether or not we process your personal data and access to such personal data. 

(c) the right to the deletion of your personal data at any time.

(d) the right to stop us from processing your personal data on grounds relating to a particular situation unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests and rights. 

(e)  the right to complain to any supervisory authority.

Our cookie policy

A cookie is a text file that websites save on your browser when you visit them. 

We use both tracking and cooking technologies to target and operate advertisements that may be of interest to you.

How to Contact Us

7.1. The controller for your personal data is Bitfada. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact our customer support through any of the following means:-

Email 1: [email protected]

Email 2: [email protected]