
How to Post a Trade on Bitfada

Jun 08, 2022

Bitfada is probably not new to you because people talk about our platform as one of the most trusted and reliable global cryptocurrency platforms. You can take a look at our website here:

Today, I want to talk about how you can post trade or place an advertisement for buying or selling cryptocurrency. We will look at this subject in a few quick steps.

To post a sale on Bitfada, the following steps must be observed:

1. Log in to your account: The first step in posting sales on Bitfada is for you to log in to your Bitfada account. If you do not have an account yet, you can sign up here –

After your signup, make sure you remember to do all the necessary things, like verifying your KYC and other things. 

Now that you have an account, sign in to your account, and go to the next step.

2. Click on "Post A Trade": When you sign in to your Bitfada account, the next page you go to is your dashboard. Here, you can see several displays. On your dashboard, you will see different menus. Click on the one that says, "Post a Trade." Wait until you are redirected.

3. Fill out the form: Now that you are on the next page, you are to fill out the form that is available. See below.

As you can see, there are several boxes to fill in the form. Enter the appropriate details in each box.

First, indicate what you want to do: I Want to Buy (if you want to buy currency); or I Want to Sell (if you want to sell currency).

In the right-hand corner, select the currency you want to buy or sell. Leave the fixed price as it is—that is the general market price. Enter the USD price of what you want to buy or sell. The proportion of the currency you want to buy or sell.

Fill in other details as shown below.

Choose your bank transfer method, and finally click on “create advertisement”. The advertisement you created will be reflected on the platform marketplace for other traders to see, and you will also have it shown on your personal dashboard.


This is how you can post a trade on the Bitfada platform. One of the interesting things about the Bitfada marketplace is that buying and selling currency is fast on our platform. People are always available to buy when you want to sell, and there are also many who want to sell when you are ready to buy.

On Bitfada, you don’t have your money hanging in the air. You can buy today and sell the same day at a profit. Give Bitfada a trial, and there will be no regret. If this post is helpful, please kindly leave a comment below. 

